• First blog post

    Posted on May 28, 2024

    The first ever blog post is here. It might be a good idea to update this post with some more relevant content.

  • REAL ESTATE TAX AMNESTY SRO 18 of 2016, Section 236 W of Income Tax Ordinance 2001

    Posted in Uncategorized on Dec 09, 2016

    SRO 18 of 2016 , Section 236 W of Income Tax Ordinance 2001. Regarding Immovable Properties. "AMNESTY " Real estate Tax amnesty will surely help the black money transactions in the real estate sector. Investors will feel secure and more comfortable but it comes with a price, lets analyze a scenario and see how it will impact the trade. You purchase a plot in any Society which has 3 different prices for DC rates , FBR rates and Actual price as under: DC Rate : 5,000,000 FBR Value : 7,500,000 Actual Value : 20,000,000 Now you may just pay 3% on the difference between FBR value and DC rate as und...